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Can you cook a brisket too fast? (Explained)

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Have you ever smoked a brisket and found that it cooks considerably faster than expected? If this is the case, you are not alone. Many people have this issue, which is frequently caused by wrong smoker temperature settings.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss why your brisket is cooking too quickly and how to avoid it in the future. We’ll also give you some pointers on how to make sure your brisket comes out perfectly every time. 

How Fast Is Brisket Supposed to Cook?

When cooking brisket in a smoker, the general rule of thumb is to cook it low and slow. This means cooking the meat at a low temperature for an extended period of time. 

The exact cook time will vary depending on the size and type of brisket, as well as the temperature of the smoker. However, most briskets will need to cook for at least six hours, and some may need to cook for eight hours or more. 

In some cases, a brisket can take up to 20 hours to thoroughly smoke! Depending on its size and fat content.

Brisket takes around 1½ to 2 hours per pound of beef to thoroughly cook, according to a very reasonable rule of thumb. This indicates that a 10-pound brisket could take up to 20 hours to reach 195-200(F).

Temperatures are often employed between 225 and 250 degrees(F). While higher temperatures are not recommended, they will cook your brisket much faster.

Brisket can be cooked in 30 to 45 minutes per pound of meat at temperatures as high as 300 degrees(F). This means that the same 10-pound brisket would only take about 5 to 6 hours to cook thoroughly.

For best results, it is important to check the internal temperature of the meat periodically to ensure that it is cooked through. When the internal temperature reaches 195 degrees Fahrenheit, the brisket is typically ready to be served.

What Causes Brisket to Cook Too Fast?

One potential reason why brisket might cook too quickly on a smoker is if the fire is too hot. The ideal temperature for smoking brisket is between 225- and 250-degrees(F). 

If the fire is hotter than this, it will cause the meat to cook faster on the outside while the inside remains raw. 

Another possibility is that the brisket was not properly trimmed before cooking. If there is too much fat on the brisket, it can cause the meat to cook unevenly, with the outside becoming overcooked while the inside remains raw. 

Furthermore, it is also important to make sure that the smoker is not placed in direct sunlight. If the smoker gets too hot, it will cause the meat to cook too quickly.  

The weather can have a big effect on how long it takes to smoke a brisket. If it’s hot and sunny, the temperature inside the smoker will be higher, which means the meat will cook faster. 

On the other hand, if it’s cold and rainy, the smoker will be cooler, and it will take longer to cook the meat. In general, though, smoking a brisket in warm weather will be quicker than smoking it in cold weather. 

How To Help a Brisket That Is Cooking Too Quickly

If the brisket is cooking too quickly, there are a few things that you can do to help correct the situation. 

First, you can try to remove some of the heat by moving the brisket to a cooler part of the grill or smoker. This will help to slow down the cooking process and give you more time to work with the meat. 

Additionally, you can try covering the brisket with foil or butcher paper. This will help to trap in the heat and moisture, allowing the meat to cook more slowly and evenly. 

Finally, be sure to check on the brisket regularly and adjust the temperature as needed, and always use a reliable thermometer during the smoke. This cannot be stressed enough, make sure you can trust your equipment. 

By taking these steps, you can help to ensure that your brisket turns out juicy and delicious. 

Always Use a Reliable Meat Thermometer

Before we begin, we want to emphasize the necessity of utilizing a meat thermometer that produces consistent results. There is no set cooking time for smoking brisket; it is all about the temperature.

Before you put your brisket in the smoker, simply test it to make sure it’s working and providing you accurate readings.

Make sure the probe is clean and free of any gunk or char from prior smokes, as this might alter the temperature readings.

When your brisket appears to be cooking too quickly or too slowly, it’s because the smoker isn’t getting accurate readouts from its probes.

Final Thoughts

Smoking meat is all about trial and error. You’ll need to experiment with different temperatures, woods, and times to find the perfect combination for your smoker and taste preferences.

 If you’re new to smoking meat, start by reading up on some of the basics and then experimenting a little at a time until you get it just right. 

Happy smoking!