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How To Dispose Of Griddle Grease (Explained)

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The proper disposal of griddle grease is important to the operation of your Blackstone griddle in general. 

The grease that it produces will be voluminous in quantity, and you will need to figure out what you’re going to do with that grease. You obviously cannot leave it to sit on the griddle without doing damage to the grill.

At the same time, you can’t simply dump it in your yard without attracting unwanted rodents and pests. Dumping it down the sink is not an option as you will end up clogging your sink by doing so. So, what are you supposed to do for the proper disposal of your grease? 

Where do you dump oil from a griddle?

There is a special grease cup that has been created specifically for the Blackstone griddle. Locate that cup and make sure that the grease that you were generating from your grill is going into the cup at this moment.

If that is not the case, make sure you reset the grease cup so that it can capture all of the greases as it falls off the griddle. You will want to fill it back up as much as possible before you take it to be disposed of. 

There are special disposal sites for these types of materials in most cities in America.

It can be a little bit of a pain to gather up your grease and have to take it over to that disposal site frequently, but it is a much better option than trying to handle it all on your own.

At least you will know that the grease has been safely deposited somewhere that it is meant to go. You will not have to worry about the potential for damage to your sink or other appliances in your home if grease gets caught up in them.

Dumping grease in the ground

You do have the option to dump grease into the ground if you wish. As we mentioned before, you may attract unwanted pests or rodents by doing so.

However, some people consider this to be an easier alternative than taking their grease to a dumping site somewhere in their city. If you were willing to take the risk of potentially attracting rodents, you can dump your grease in your yard.

Make sure you keep it a safe distance away from your household pets so that they don’t become interested in it and potentially consume grease it could be harmful to them.

Also, be mindful of where your property line ends so that you are not dumping grease into your neighbor’s yard. 

Can you pour grease in the yard?

You can pour grease into your yard as long as you don’t think it’ll do any harm to anyone in your home or pets that you may have who roam around the yard. 

The rain that comes in most parts of the country will take care of the grease eventually. Again, you should be mindful that pouring the grease into your yard could attract rodents.

As long as you expect rain in the near future, then you can go ahead with pouring grease in your yard and hoping that it’ll be washed away for you. 

Can I dump grease down the drain?

Not unless you want a plumber to come out and have to clear the drain for you. Grease does not settle in the drain effectively, so you may end up with a major clog that is not easy to get fixed.

You will spend way more money hiring a plumber who can help you fix the drain than you would if you simply poured the grease out in your yard or took it to a facility that can handle it.

It is tempting to pour the grease down the drain because we pour some of the other things down or drain without a second thought, but do not do this unless you want to pay the large bills that will be charged by somebody to unclog it. 

When should you consider getting rid of griddle grease?

Try to act as quickly as possible after the grease is collected in the grease cup following the meal that you’ve created. Allowing yourself to accumulate grease over a long period of time gives that grease a chance to congeal and get hard.

Then it becomes much more difficult to deal with the grease once it has reached this state. If you can act quickly after you’ve cooked something and collected the grease in the grease cup, this process will be much easier for you to handle, and you will avoid the headaches that come with dealing with hardened grease.

It is challenging to do a clean-up immediately after preparing a meal, but you will be glad that you did because it will save you time compared to what you would have to spend on it if you didn’t do this. 

Final Thoughts

Grease is one of the more irritating aspects of what one has to deal with when working with a Blackstone griddle. 

There is no getting around the fact that grease will collect, but it is all about how you respond to this determines how much of a factor it will be in your life and how much time you’ll have to spend dealing with this frustrating aspect.

Use the best practices to take care of it from the start and you won’t have to worry so much about the cleanup process after your cookout is done.