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5 Ways to baste steak without burning butter

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Who doesn’t love a good steak? Juicy, flavorful, and melt-in-your-mouth tender, steak is the ultimate indulgence. But if you’re not careful, it can also be a disaster. Burnt butter is the enemy of a good steak, so today we’re going to show you 5 ways to baste steak without burning butter.

1. Use a spray bottle

A quick spritz of water on the steak can help it steam and seal in juices. After searing, give the steak a quick spray before putting it in the oven or on the grill. This will help keep the meat moist and tender while it cooks.

2. Brush on the oil and butter mix with a pastry brush

Brush on the oil, butter mix with a pastry brush. Oil is less likely to burn than butter and adds flavor as well. It’s also easy enough that you can do it while you’re cooking other foods on the grill or in the oven, so it won’t take away from your attention while cooking your steak.

Use olive oil. Olive oil is less likely than other oils to smoke or burn when you apply it directly to a hot surface like a grill or frying pan, which makes it perfect for basting steaks before they hit the heat. It also has a milder flavor than some other oils, so it won’t overpower your steaks’ flavors.

3. Use melted butter in a squeeze bottle or small bowl

Use melted butter in a squeeze bottle or small bowl. This will allow you to control how much butter is going on your steak and how much is being wasted by dripping off the side of the pan.

Cook your steak over low heat. If your steak isn’t searing properly, turn up the heat and let it cook until browned on one side before flipping it over so that both sides get cooked through evenly.

Use clarified butter. Clarified butter has been strained of its milk solids, which means it won’t burn as easily as regular butter does when heated for long periods of time at high temperatures (which is what happens when you baste steaks!).

Add some flour to your pan before adding any additional fat (like clarified butter). The flour will act like a nonstick coating on your pan so that nothing sticks when you try to flip your steaks over again after browning them on one side first — no more.

4. Slice off some fat and use it as an additional basting agent 

It’s common knowledge that fat is good for basting. When you slice off some fat from the steak, you’re basically creating your own basting agent. You can use this fat to coat your steak before putting it on the grill, which will give your meat extra flavor while keeping it moist and juicy during cooking.

5. Grill your steak on an electric grill

The secret to grilling steak is to cook it hot and fast, so the outside gets charred while the inside stays rare. That means you don’t have time for any fancy sauces or marinades.

Instead of making a sauce, just spread a little butter on your steak while it’s cooking, and then drizzle some more over each slice as soon as you take it off the grill.

There are definitely more sides to a butter-based basting method, but I personally love the way this method allows for a perfectly even distribution of basted juices over the top of my steak. I’ve also found that the key to successfully using this method is not to rush.

With a healthy dose of patience and care, your steaks will be cooked in no time.